Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I forgot the pain of a blog...

I forgot how frustrating it is trying to get your blog perfect when you start one out! I use to be a whizz kid at computer codes and html coding but man! I forgot how much there was to it lol! Finally I think I got everything worked out and am ready to finish everything up and blog it up with all you other bloggers and army spouses/families. I'm really excited to answer questions, give experiences, and just hear all about everyone and their lives. I guess it depends on the day but I can go from being a social butterfly to a complete shut in so its so nice to have my blog to let it all out to on days I don't get that social interaction! Especially being a newbie moving to freaking ALASKA where I will know absolutely no one lol. My boyfriend originally got orders for KOREA! Can you believe that? I about had a cow, omg I was freaking out! Much to my relief his orders got mixed with a roommates and Alaska was our new destination. I'm all for experience and excitement and traveling the world with him but Korea... for our first duty station... so far from both of our families! I was not excited. Alaska is far enough for me. I really didn't want to go overseas and even though Alaska IS considered overseas, I don't consider it that. Plus I've heard nothing but good things and I know it's beautiful up there and it's somewhere I've never been, and I've been a lot of places lol, so I'm excited!

I'm suppose to go visit Jared this weekend in Missouri and I'm so excited. I went over Labor day weekend last time which I think was only like 3 weeks ago but I miss him. Of course, I better get use to it, but with my best friend and main person I hang out with out of town this week as well I have been extra super bored! Although I have been sick so I guess its good they're both gone because I need to rest. With them here I'd never get 5 minutes alone to myself lol. I'm excited to see all the guys Jared's made friends with as well. As weird as that is to say, I really like these guys. If you've read my page about Jared you know he's not the greatest at choosing friends haha so it's a dang miracle that he finally has some good guys! Well that's all for now really, just a small update. Time to get back to perfecting this blog. I really hope you all enjoy and we can share throughout the day! :)


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